financing solutions from the aa

Safeguarding South African Futures

Why AA Money

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About AA Money

The AA is widely recognised as one of the most successful and dependable providers of roadside assistance, insurance and value-added products in the South African market. This reputation has helped the company achieve widespread recognition. We are well-known for our broad selection of high-quality cover with a primary emphasis on the delivery of high-quality personal insurance solutions and protection and now we have entered the financial sector.

Our main purpose is to safeguard the future of South African households by connecting them to, and empowering them with, relevant financial solutions.

AA Money gives you access to the finest financing solutions in the way of personal loans and vehicle refinancing. AA Money offers you a personal loan solution that is safe, simple and reliable.

As an independent company, AA Money does not recommend any specific product or company.

The information shown and provided is based on the information provided by the user of the AA Money site and must not be seen as advice or consultation.


Refinancing your car can be a smart way to reduce your monthly payments and save money. By securing a lower interest rate on your current car loan, you’ll have extra funds for other priorities. If your car is already paid off, refinancing can also give you access to cash by using the equity in your vehicle. However, it’s important to explore your options carefully to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

We make car refinancing fast, simple, and affordable. Our refinancing solutions allow you to lower your payments, save money, and even tap into the equity of a fully paid-off car. We recognize that everyone’s financial situation is different, so we offer personalised options tailored to your unique needs.

personal loans

Personal loans are a great way to borrow money for a variety of reasons, from consolidating debt to financing big purchases. They are typically unsecured loans, meaning you don’t need to put up collateral. Generally, personal loans come with a fixed interest rate and fixed repayment terms, so you’ll know exactly how much you have to pay each month until the loan is paid off.

Personal loans typically have lower interest rates than credit cards and are a great way to finance a large purchase without tapping into your savings. However, it’s important to make sure to shop around for the best rates and terms, and to compare lenders to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

When you borrow money, you want to find the one which is the most favourable for your financial situation and incurs the lowest possible cost. So if you're looking for loan comparisons through a trusted brand, AA Money has the solution.