Personal Loans through AA Money

Apply online in less than 6 minutes!

Why AA Money

Quick & Easy

Apply online in under 6 minutes and get matched with the best offers for you.


Safe & Secure

Your details are safe with us and our lending partners. All processes and information is encrypted.

Up to R350,000

Personal loans from R500 to R350,000. Select your own loan amount and repayment terms.


About AA Money

AA Money is a personal loan comparison service that gathers data from a variety of banking partners and delivers it to you in an easy format. Loan amounts differ from one lender to the next and the payback terms are influenced by fees, interest rates, loan amounts, and credit scores.

Personal information is required by lenders in order to manage risk and assist the government in combating theft, money laundering, and terrorism.

The AA has been putting the consumer first for over 100 years. With AA Money, we still put you first when finding you the best personal loans partner.  

AA Money gives you access to South Africa’s top banks and lenders, making sure you get the best deal on a personal loan that suits your personal needs and pocket. AA Money offers you a personal loan solution that is safe, simple and reliable.

As an independent company, AA Money does not recommend any specific product or company.

The information shown and provided is based on the information provided by the user of the AA Money site and must not be seen as advice or consultation.

Important factors when considering a personal loan

  • Loan Amount
  • Monthly Repayment
  • Loan Term
  • Total Interest
  • Total Repayment
  • Fees; and
  • Interest Rate and APR*

*The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the cost of borrowing money represented as a percentage each year, including fees.

When you borrow money, you want to find the one which is the most favourable for your financial situation and incurs the lowest possible cost.